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The use of the poly mailer bag

Poly mailer bags are lightweight, sturdy plastic bags that are designed to ship light and less fragile items. They are a great alternative to standard packaging.

They help eCommerce sellers cut back on packaging and shipping costs because they are affordable and take up less space on carriers’ vehicles while on transit Poly mailers are a type of poly bag shaped like envelopes and are used to mail goods via USPS (Post Office) or other couriers like UPS and FedEx.

They typically feature a tamper evident seal on top which must be torn open in order to get into them.Poly mailers are made of moisture-resistant polyethylene that composes many of the widely used plastic products in the world.

These plastic bags come in many sizes and dimensions.Also called mailing bags or shipping bags, poly mailers are usually the most affordable way to ship soft goods like apparel, blankets, purses, and backpacks. Comprised of moisture-resistant polyethylene film, which is a kind of lightweight plastic, poly mailers are incredibly durable.


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