304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Heures de travail
Du lundi au vendredi : de 7h00 à 19h00
Le week-end : 10H00 - 17H00

La fonction et le lieu d'utilisation de l'enveloppe de la liste de colisage

The function of Packing list envelope

Packing list envelope are mostly used for logistics express companies, used to pack shipping documents, convenient to check documents.

Products generally require high transparency, strong glue viscosity, release paper easy to peel.

A packing list envelope is a small, usually plastic or paper envelope that is used to hold a packing list. A packing list is a document that lists all of the items that are included in a shipment or package. The packing list envelope is typically attached to the outside of the package, allowing the recipient to easily access the list and confirm that all of the items listed on the packing list are present.

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